SlumberNapped Devlog for 4/2024 The NO AI pledge!

Hello, hope you are all doing well, I'll make two updates this month to let you know how my progress on slumbernapped development is going.

Computer problems 

My main development PC has suffered a motherboard failure so work will slow till I can fix it, the game project files and all the other important files are backed up and the hard drives were fine so no work on the game was lost. Mostly the slowdown is due to the time and inconvenience this repair will cost me.

Itch page improvements

I tweaked and improved the branding on the Games Itch page. I always wanted it to feel like you dug out a lost GBA or SNES game when you played Slumbernaped so I added a fake game cartridge and added the " instruction booklet" to the cracked paper background to help convey that more clearly, I also made the clay fly and smoldering trash figures more visible, why hide them when I went through the effort to make real clay figures like the ones they used to use in Nintendo power?

The NO AI pledge!

You'll now see this bad boy at the bottom of the game page and when I say it I mean it!

I hereby publicly pledge to not use any AI tools in the creation of Slumbernapped. 

I've had some of my art stolen by AI image generation services and know just how much of an issue this is. I've yet to use any AI generative tools and will not be using AI to make this game. It's all coming from me to you, human to human, because games are art and the human experience is what gives meaning to art.  

                                                                                                            A depressing aside
while trying to find the old robot ad from the 50s that was used in the no AI graphic above I had to sort through a truckload of AI-generated garbage images of 1950s ads that were all fake and totally messed up. Finding reference material by way of Google images is getting bogged down by noise. It's an existential bummer.

That's all till I get the computer situation under control. I'll probably have another update for you later in the month. Until then keep on dreaming.

Get SlumberNapped

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