SlumberNapped MINI Devlog for 6/2024

Just sharing some quick stuff.

Warning: the following contains spoilers!

First, there is a new island I added to the overworld. It's got a radio station on it. I'm very happy with the radio tower animation.

It's a combination of particles and fading sprites, I've never talked about the cables that show up in the background. 

Those cables are done with a GML script from called  draw_arc that draws to a surface so the pixels are uniform with the rest of the game.   If you're making a game in Game Maker Studio is a fantastic source for useful functions that probably should be in Game Maker but aren't.

Second I just finished the animation for the second dungeon boss and even though it's a spoiler it was too cool not to share.

Having messed around with so much 3D when I did Killspiracy TV that I'll use 3D drawing to animate stuff that's too complex for me to animate as a traditional sprite. with all the different rotations and pulsating the Evil alien eye is doing It was better to draw it in 3d to a surface. Fun fact the outlines are just a black texture drawn slightly bigger with reversed normals and before the regular textured primitive.

A question? 

I've been toying with the idea of extending the demo or doing a part 1 consisting of the current demo and the first dungeon up to another good stopping point at the end of chapter 1 of the game.  Please leave a comment or a like if that interests you so I can gauge how many people would like me to do it.  I wish had a way of doing polls.

That's all for now.

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